The Kerti Praja Foundation (KPF) has a long history of leading and collaborating on research projects relevant to the mission and vision of the organization. KPF has conducted a number of behavior research in collaboration with University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA. Reports of these studies have been published in international journals:
- The Bali STD/AIDS Study
- Vaginal Cleansing among Female Sex Worker
- Study on Human Papillomavirus
- Evaluation of a Peer Education Programme for Female Sex Workers in Bali
- HIV Testing Experience of Injecting Drugs Users in Bali
- Voluntary HIV Testing Disclosure and Stigma among Injection Drugs Users.
KPF has participated in a number of behavior research projects, in collaboration with local and international researchers/institutions. The followings are the report of the projects:
- Trends in HIV Prevalence, Condom Use and Associated Factors among Female Sex Workers in Denpasar
- Concurrent Sexual Partnership among Clients of Female Sex Worker in Bali
- Towards the Ethical implementation of Testing, treatment and HIV care in key populations: Investigating Community-based priorities in the Scale-up of Test and Treat (ETHICS). Study is a collaboration with the British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Canadian Institute for Health Research.The aim of this study is to draw on the voices of key populations (SWs, MSM) to better understand ethical concerns regarding targeted test and treat strategies that affect them. The overarching goal is to provide recommendations to improve the quality and effectiveness of test and treat services and approaches, both in Bali and internationally. Study began in 2017.
- Needs Assessment of the SRHR Needs of the Disabled Community in Bali, Indonesia. Study is funded by Scope Global/DFAT. The objective of this qualitative study is to explore and document the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of the disabled community in Denpasar, Bali. Dissemination of study findings will be carried out with implicated stakeholders in order to strategist and consider how to develop interventions that are more inclusive and accessible for disabled people. Findings will also be published in both Indonesian and English for the purposes of contributing to the local academic body of work on SRH and disability issues.
- Formative Research Into the SHRH Needs of Street-Based Female Sex Workers and Men Who Have Sex With Men in Tanah Papua.Study was funded but the National AIDS Commission and the Global Fund. Study aims to understand the HIV and STIs related healthcare needs of street-based FSW and MSM community members in Tanah Papua. Study objectives were 1) to explore the risk perception of street-based FSW and MSM with regards to HIV and STIs; 2) to understand the healthcare seeking behavior of street-based FSW and MSM; 3) to identify the enabling and inhibiting factors of access to HIV and STI services by street-based FSW and MSM; 4) to identify the enabling and inhibiting factors for service providers and policy makers in the provision of HIV and STIs services for both populations; 5) to characterize a service model accessible to both populations. This study adopted a qualitative design approach in order to determine the risk perception of street-based FSW and MSM regarding HIV and/or STIs, gain insight into their health seeking behaviors, the enabling and inhibiting factors for accessing healthcare services, the challenges of HIV/STIs healthcare service provision, and to identify service delivery models accessible and responsive to both cohorts.