HATI: HIV Awal (Early) Testing & Treatment Indonesia Project: Implementing ‘test and treat’ strategies for HIV treatment and prevention in key populations in Indonesia: a prospective implementation research study.
Study is jointly funded by: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia; Ministry of Health, Indonesia; World Health Organization (WHO), SEARO; Kirby Institute, UNSW Australia from 2015-2018. The principal aims of this study are to: a) to evaluate interventions aimed at increasing HIV testing and immediate antiretroviral therapy (ART), also known as the test and treat (T&T) strategy, in key affected populations in Indonesia; b) to develop capacity in implementation research in Indonesia through training and the active participation of local researchers as investigators on the study. Primary research objectives of the study are to assess the impact of enhanced community based intervention compared with current practice, on the proportion of people from each key population who are virologically suppressed 12 months after HIV diagnosis. The study will be conducted among key affected populations in Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and specifically, Denpasar, Bali.
Self HIV Testing
KPF has been conducting implementation research on self HIV testing among MSM using oral fluid test. The test is offered to those people who are not able to come to the clinic for blood test. KPF outreach workers provide the test in their home or work places. The client with positive result is required visit the clinic for confirmation test.